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Legal notice

The material and information on this website are provided by KYOCERA UNIMERCO A/S and all companies in the KYOCERA UNIMERCO group as a service to our customers and may only be used for information purposes, unless otherwise specified in the service/information.


All content on the website, including the KYOCERA UNIMERCO company name and logo, all associated product and design marks, trademarks, slogans and all text, images, film clips etc. belong to KYOCERA UNIMERCO, its affiliated companies, its licensors or joint venture partners, and are protected by copyright and trademark laws. Unauthorized use or distribution of any material on the website may violate intellectual property rights, and will be pursued with civil or criminal penalties.

The website, or parts of it, may not, without the prior written consent of KYOCERA UNIMERCO, be made available, reproduced, duplicated, copied, transferred, distributed, stored or otherwise used for any commercial purpose. Modifying the content on the website is not permitted.

Limitation of liability

The information on the website is provided ‘as is’ without warranty of any kind, meaning there is no guarantee for accuracy or completeness of the information, text, graphics, links etc. found on the website. The information on the website can change at any time without prior notice. Neither KYOCERA UNIMERCO nor affiliated companies shall be responsible for any loss, including, but not limited to, loss of income, profits and turnover, whether direct, indirect, criminal or accidental.

Furthermore, KYOCERA UNIMERCO assumes no responsibility for the content or functionality of websites not operated or controlled by KYOCERA UNIMERCO. This shall apply whether or not the website of KYOCERA UNIMERCO links to external websites.

Viruses, malware etc. 

KYOCERA UNIMERCO shall not be responsible for any damage resulting from the access to or use of the website or the content of the site. It is the responsibility of the users to take measures and protect themselves against computer viruses, malware and other threats.

Governing law and jurisdiction

This legal notice is governed by Danish law, except if there are conflict-of-law rules that would refer the matter to another country’s jurisdiction. KYOCERA UNIMERCO can choose freely whether a dispute relating to this legal notice will be settled by the ordinary courts or by arbitration. If KYOCERA UNIMERCO chooses arbitration, the rules in force at the Copenhagen Arbitration shall apply.


Last updated 27 Nov. 2015 


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