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Kyocera Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

CSR Activities Based on the Kyocera Philosophy

Shortly after its founding, Kyocera adopted its management rationale: “To provide opportunities for the material and intellectual growth of all our employees, and through our joint efforts, contribute to the advancement of society and humankind.” Management is based on the Kyocera Philosophy, which uses the concept “What is the right thing to do as a human being?” as its decision-making criterion. This also forms the basis for the Kyocera Group’s CSR activities.

Through implementation of the Kyocera Philosophy, we work to find solutions to corporate citizenship issues, build relationships of mutual trust with our stakeholders, and aim for the sustained development of the Kyocera Group. At the same time, we endeavor to contribute to the healthy development of society.

Kyocera Group CSR Guidelines

The Kyocera Group establishes the Kyocera Group CSR Guidelines, our standards of corporate conduct, and will act towards the creation of a sustainable society.


Since its foundation, Kyocera has declared that it will “provide opportunities for the material and intellectual growth of all our employees, and through our joint efforts, contribute to the advancement of society and humankind” as its management rationale and has managed its business based on the Kyocera Philosophy ’ the core of management in the Kyocera Group. By practicing the Kyocera Philosophy on a daily basis, we will contribute to the sound development of society as well as build mutual trust with stakeholders, and continuously develop the Kyocera Group.

We therefore establish the Kyocera Group CSR Guidelines, our standards of corporate conduct, and will act towards the creation of a sustainable society.

These guidelines apply to Kyocera Corporation and Kyocera Group companies, as well as all executive officers and employees.


1. Basic duties

We shall observe laws, regulations and corporate rules, have unshakable moral values based on the Kyocera Philosophy and perform corporate activities globally, making decisions based on the criterion of “What is the right thing to do as a human being?


2. Human rights and labor

We shall respect fundamental human rights.

  • 2-1. We shall always be aware of changes in work environments and the characteristics and culture of each country to build up a personnel system that can respond appropriately.
  • 2-2. We shall respect the human rights of employees and not treat them severely or inhumanely, including abuse or any type of harassment.
  • 2-3. We shall promote the creation of attractive, rewarding work environments by attempting to share opinions and information with employees.
  • 2-4. We shall respect the right of freedom of association based on the laws, regulations and labor practices of each country.
  • 2-5. We shall not allow forced labor or child labor.
  • 2-6. We shall not engage in unfair and discriminatory treatment.


3. Health and safety

We shall observe laws and regulations related to health and safety, fire control, and undertake health and safety measures more actively and continuously including through the implementation of risk assessment and emergency preparedness to provide work environments that are accident and disaster-free, where employees can work in safety and free from anxiety.


4. Environmental conservation

We shall regard the Kyocera Environmental Charter as our guideline for the environmental protection activities to be achieved. We shall perform improvement activities more actively and continuously to contribute to global environmental protection by working in a comprehensive fashion on environmental measures such as environmental preservation, energy conservation, climate change prevention, resource conservation, global environmental product development and biodiversity conservation. At the same time, we shall communicate those efforts widely to society.

In the course of business activities, the Kyocera Group will take a serious view of global environmental protection adhering closely to the Company's basic philosophy, stated above, and will emphasize the following points:

  1. Adhering to internal environmental standards that make global environmental protection our first priority;

    1. In order to minimize impact on the natural environment and any harmful effects on the ecosystem, Kyocera will establish and comply with internal standards which are more stringent than those specified by applicable international agreements and national laws local regulations where the Company's facilities are located.

    2. At all levels, Kyocera will scientifically study and evaluate the effects of business activities on the environment, and then take the necessary protective measures.

  2. Kyocera will strive for the development of environmentally friendly products in two categories;

    1. Kyocera will increase its research and development of Products for Environmental Improvement that make a positive contribution to the enhancement of the global environment, and strive to spread the use of such products. 

    2. Kyocera will increase its research and development of Environmentally Gentle Products that have a lighter burden on the environment at each stage of production, sales, distribution, consumption and disposal and strive to spread the use of such products.

  3. Most efficient utilization of resources and innovation of processing technologies;

    1. Kyocera will develop processing technologies and production facilities that have maximum resource and energy efficiency. At the same time, the Company will aim to reduce raw material and chemical consumption in all processes.

    2. Kyocera will promote internal energy conservation activities, such as more efficient use of electricity and fossil fuels, the introduction of high efficiency equipment, and the reutilization of waste heat. At the same time, the Company will promote measures for climate change prevention.

    3. Kyocera intends to purchase recyclable materials which contribute to resource conservation while maximizing resource efficiency by establishing recycling systems for wastewater and waste materials. The Company will take aggressive steps to reduce the volume of and decontaminate all waste.

  4. Enhancement of environmental communication, participation in, and support for social contribution activities.

    1. Kyocera will pursue education to improve employees' environmental awareness and thus promote participation in environmental preservation.

    2. Kyocera will broadly establish cooperative relationships with local communities, municipalities and business partners to promote positive environmental communication.

    3. Kyocera will promote the “greenification” (tree-planting) of its facilities in an organized effort to create grounds which are lush and inviting. At the same time, the Company will participate in and support social contribution activities.


5. Fair trade and ethics

We shall always carry out fair trade in the spirit of equity and fair play.

  • 5-1. We shall compete fairly, transparently and freely, and carry out fair trade.
  • 5-2. We shall arrange and manage a clear import and export management system in accordance with related laws and regulations in Japan and overseas.
  • 5-3. When procuring materials, we shall conform to laws and regulations, do business faithfully, justly and fairly without abusing any dominant bargaining position, and work to build up partnerships based on mutual trust.
  • 5-4. We shall request business partners to understand and cooperate with our CSR activities.
  • 5-5. We shall create, protect and utilize intellectual property rights, respect the intellectual property rights of others, and prevent any violation of their rights.
  • 5-6. We shall neither offer nor receive inappropriate profits in relationships with stakeholders.
  • 5-7. We shall maintain sound and normal relationships with political organizations and the authorities, and shall never offer bribes or illegal political contributions.
  • 5-8. We shall steadfastly maintain an attitude of confrontation with antisocial forces and reject any unjust claim.
  • 5-9. We shall carry out activities to prevent wrongdoing and also arrange systems to detect and respond to it immediately.
  • 5-10. We shall not purchase any materials or products including conflict minerals or metals derived from them that create a source of funds for armed groups causing human rights violations.


6. Quality and product safety

We shall regard the Kyocera Quality Policy and Kyocera Product Safety Policy as our guidelines to be achieved.


Kyocera Quality Policy

The Kyocera Group has established the Kyocera Quality Policy to achieve production of quality goods that fully satisfy our customers’ needs.

We develop all our businesses on the basis of this Quality Policy, and aim to always be an enterprise that is worthy of trust throughout the world. Moreover, Kyocera is doing everything possible to think hard as early as in the planning stage and do the right job at the beginning in order to provide a high level of satisfaction to our customers.

  1. Kyocera places top priority on our environmental management and product safety systems.

  2. Kyocera provides products and services to our customers that exceed their expectations by putting them first.

  3. Kyocera aims to be a world leader in quality by doing every job right the first time.


Kyocera Product Safety Policy

Safety is the utmost priority for all products made or sold by Kyocera. Regardless of form or function, they must not endanger a person’s life or well-being, nor inflict damage on property. From this perspective, Kyocera has set a Product Safety Policy, in addition to its Quality Policy.

Kyocera established Product Safety System Guidelines as a concrete code of action at all levels of corporate activity. Additionally, the Guidelines for Product Safety Labeling serve as supplementary guidelines for understanding international standards relating to safety labels.

  1. Kyocera is fully acquainted with the latest information related to product liability and product safety.

  2. Kyocera maintains an industry-leading standard of product safety.

  3. Kyocera systematically practices product safety in accordance with manuals.


7. Information disclosure

We shall always foster communication with society through appropriate information disclosure and active PR and IR activities; and aim at being a fair, highly transparent and open business enterprise.

  • 7-1. We shall strive to disclose information to stakeholders including stockholders and investors quickly, appropriately and fairly; and promote understanding of our management and business activities.
  • 7-2. We shall foster fair stock transactions and strive to prevent insider trading such as the buying and selling of stocks based on undisclosed internal information.

8. Information security

We shall be aware that personal information and confidential information are important and strive to prevent information leakages while maintaining and promoting information security.

  • 8-1. We shall be aware that personal information is important information that constitutes privacy, and strive to protect it thoroughly.

  • 8-2. We shall properly manage and protect confidential information received from customers or third parties, and confidential information of companies obtained in the conduct of business, and prevent any leakage or misuse.

9. Business continuity plan (BCP)

We shall formulate a BCP and aim for quick recovery and operation even if concerns over supply arise due to disaster, etc.


10. Social contribution

Based on the awareness that a business enterprise is a member of society, we shall do our duty at all times as a corporate citizen that supports the development of local communities and society, and carry out various social contribution activities, not just business.

  • 10-1. We shall actively interact with local people and support sports to contribute to the development of local communities.

  • 10-2. We shall strive to do our duty as a member of society through various activities that contribute to society such as education, research, culture, the arts, international exchange and cooperation, and environmental protection activities.


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